Thaba Bosiu is a sandstone plateau. The place is historically significant and its tales are connected closely to the history of Lesotho itself. It is located on one of the most isolated regions of the country, about 24 kilometers east of the capital city, Maseru. This sandstone plateau in Lesotho is also known to be the place from where the kingdom of Lesotho developed. Thaba Bosiu is a flat topped mountain. Legends of the region say that this mountain, which is not very high during the daytime, usually elevates during the night and takes the shape of a high fortress. This was used by King Moshoeshoe to defend his kingdom from the enemies and then drive them away. Thaba Bosiu of Lesotho also has the bodies of King Moshoeshoe and those of many members of the royal family buried down there.
Activities in Thaba- Bosiu